Advice and answers from the Callyzer Team

Troubleshoot for Samsung

Twinkle Pithwa
By Twinkle Pithwa Updated over 2 years ago

If you are facing issue in auto-synchronization, please follow the following steps.
Process 1: Battery Settings.
Step 1: open phone settings.

Step 2: Click on device maintenance.

Step 3: Click on battery icon/option.

Step 4: Scroll down and search for unmonitored Apps option and click on it.

Step 5: Select Add Apps Option.

Step 6: Search for Callyzer biz App and click on it.

Step 7: After Blue Tick, Click On Done Button in the top Right Corner.

Step 8: Screen After Pressing Done.

Process 2: Settings For Battery Optimization for Callyzer
Step 1: Open Phone Settings.
Step 2: Click on Apps Option.

Step 3: Click on 3 dots in top right corner.

Step 4: Click on Special Access Option.

Step 5: Click On Battery Optimization Usage Option.

Step6: Click Apps Not Optimized Down Arrow Button and Select All Apps.

Step7: By Default The Callyzer App Toggle Button Will be Blue.

Step 8: Click On Callyzer biz App and TURN OFF the Toggle Button.

Make Sure it Must be Gray.

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